====== Lýthia.com (fanon) reference ====== {{page>..ldc&inline}} This denotes fanon works, most of which are available through [[works:publishers:ldc]]. For the sake of simplicity, all fanon works have been given this icon in this color scheme regardless of publisher. The individual publishers are tracked elsewhere on each ''works:'' page, and all publishers can be [[works:publishers:|found here]]. **NOTE:** This wiki uses simple criteria to define what is canon and what is fanon: anything published by or available from [[works:publishers:cgi]] or [[works:publishers:kpl]] is called canon, and everything else is fanon. Purists may object that not everything in the canon group is truly canonical, but the present editor was ignorant of this when the wiki was first organized and has no interest in teasing out such distinctions now. Please do not infer any imprimatur of officialness in this categorization. Paste for editors: ''%%{{page>icons:ldc&inline}}%%'' [[icons:ldc|Link]]