====== Wrap plugin ====== [[doku>plugin:wrap|Wrap plugin page]] This allows all manner of customized formatting of page elements. On the editor's end, one may enclose block-type page content within ''%%%%'' markup tags. That refers to things that, in the page's underlying HTML code, might be formatted in ''%%
%%'', ''%%

%%'', or suchlike elements. One can also format inline ''%%%%''-type elements as ''%%%%'' in lowercase. The limiting factor is that those ''classes'' must already be present in the wiki's CSS stack. This is usually out of the hands of editors, and even wiki admins may not necessarily have access to the wiki's backend files. Editors and wiki admins must work together with site admins to put the desired code in place to be used. Once that is done, formatting can be handled just as in any other HTML/CSS interaction. The difference is that editors can then start inserting those classes at will. ===== Basic use ===== The basic use has already been described above: wrap page content in ''%%%%'' or ''%%%%'' tags. Uses specific to HârnWiki include the [[heading_styles|heading styles]] in the ''works:'' and "World" sections. More about the page text, the CSS, and the wiki settings in the latter case [[heading_css|can be found here]]. The plugin's own page of built-in use examples [[wrap|can be seen here]]. This reveals a few problems as that page is rendered into the current wiki template's style. The plugin looks up default DokuWiki colors, but the Bootstrap3 template uses colors according to the Bootswatch theme in use. This makes for many mismatches. A few other classes have been taken from [[doku>plugin:wrap:extensions|the DokuWiki site]] and included. Notably, these include alternate ways of effecting multiple columns. ===== Classes present ===== The HârnWiki classes available to editors at the time of this writing [[wrap_classes|is here]]. ===== Alternative plugins ===== Since the [[bootstrap_wrapper_plugin]] is also installed, many of the built-in wrap effects may be better implemented with that instead of wrap. Certainly, things that rely on the theme colors are more simply done that way. On the other hand, elements that are often repeated may just be easier to have wrap styles developed for them. A cogitation on blockquotes in light of this [[blockquotes|can be found here]].