This page isn't intended for navigating Hârn, although it'll do in a pinch. This is a view of the database table that feeds and has been used to generate many of the other pages of holds, hundreds, shires, and grid squares. Notably, most of the links are rendered in a basic fashion. There are two ways of producing a working wiki link, with the onclick
option being the uglier but faster-rendering one with respect to wikimarkup
. The latter can hopefully be used more broadly on pages with fewer of these rows and columns.
The former doesn't handle link text well, as can be seen in the Hundred column.
Additions to this table are also not intended to be made here directly. It's easier to paste the data into csv files, though the method of uploading them is still pretty wonky. It involves manipulating a different instance of HârnWiki on a local computer, exporting the data with the Advanced plugin, and then importing that zip here with that same plugin.
Edits to the existing data to correct errors may probably be done more easily here. Such changes made to the data here will be reflected in those pages querying this table, though the pages written directly with the data as it was at that time will stay as they are.
<database2 database=harndata:start sites rowsperpage=20 wikistyle>
sitename, text, Site name, unique onclick=%{value} altname , text, Alt name hundred, "related SELECT id, hundred FROM districts", Hundred, wikimarkup title, text, Title holder, text, Holder, onclick=%{value} acres, integer, Acres, headerlabel=AC landquality, float, Land Quality, headerlabel=LQ households, integer, Households, headerlabel=HH liegeseat, "related SELECT id, sitename FROM sites a", Liege, onclick=%{value} grid, text, Grid, wikimarkup sitetype, "related SELECT id, abbrev FROM sitetypes", Site type realm, text, Realm domain, text, Domain market, integer, Market, headerlabel=Mkt manors, integer, Manors (levy), headerlabel=Manors guard, text, Guard acreslevy, integer, Acres (levy), headerlabel=ACL householdslevy, integer, Households (levy), headerlabel=HHL elevation, integer, Elevation, headerlabel=Elev ore, text, Ore population, integer, Population, headerlabel=Pop work, text, Work, wikimarkup
In addition to the articles cited within the table, information was also drawn from the following works.