

Under construction

This page was used to test the database2 plugin, which is not currently installed. Therefore, what would be a table is just the code used to show it.


This table records information about shires and hundreds in the kingdoms that have them. Hopefully the Republic of Tharda can be incorporated without undue violence, though I haven't gotten that far at this time. Thus far, the data has been entered programmatically from csv files into a home copy of HârnWiki in a way that I don't know how to replicate online. If entering sites manually, please follow the page naming conventions whereby holds are named harn:realmname:holdname and shires/hundreds follow harn:realmname:judicial:districtname. Additionally, the districts here include link text after a | character, such as harn:kaldor:judicial:anvusen|Anvusen, so that the more verbose headers of those pages (“Anvusen Hundred”, or “Balimshire” for a similar entry in that column) are not used in tables.

<database2 districts database=harndata:start width=100% rowsperpage=20 wikistyle>

realm, text, Realm
shire, text, Shire, wikimarkup
hundred, text, Hundred, wikimarkup
forest, boolean, Forest, booltype=int
moot, text, Hundred Moot, wikimarkup
market, text, Market, wikimarkup


  • harndata/districts.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/18 06:44
  • by suedunham