Welcome to HârnWiki

This is a guide for navigating the manifold materials pertaining to Hârn and the wider world of Kèthîra. The wiki structure serves to highlight the relations among the places and the people. Links are provided for obtaining the various maps, modules, and articles, drawing from both canon and fanon.

If you're new to Hârn and daunted by information overload sufficient to drive a community project such as this, at least two introduction documents have been created. The first gives a general overview of the island and what is available about it, and the second—while somewhat specific to one GM's campaign—presents more information general to all. There is also a quickstart guide here on the wiki with suggestions on where to begin. If you'd like to see a city that's been particularly well developed here, check out the royal seat of Kaldor, Tashal, which makes an excellent part of The Free Campaign.

Hârn is where it all began, a relatively small, self-contained campaign milieu off the coast of a larger continent in a wider world. Yet most of the materials developed from the 1980s until now concern this group of islands, and many more hands are continually at work within it blazing trails, improving settlements, and introducing people.

There is a greater world, Kethira, beyond Hârn. Venarive, or northwest Lythia, is the part that is closest, not-Europe to Hârn's not-Britain. This is explored here.

These pages set out the articles from which all the wiki data is drawn and link to where they may be acquired.

These are all the people from our world who have produced the works upon which this wiki rests. Without them none of this would be possible, and we endeavor not to rip them off too much.

The present editor doesn't have any intention of working on this section any time soon. It will really start pinching artwork, for one. But wouldn't it be cool—if tasteful blowups of crops of the area maps could be cleared—to pick out a castle or keep by the look of it? Not so much for the completist collector but for the harried GM who needs a castle tonight to plug into their own world.

Look out! The new guy has ideas, the audacity to impose them upon the existing community, and a propensity for overbuilding. This is where he attempts to explain himself.

  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/18 06:44
  • by suedunham